I recently managed to make my computer speak Cornish.
How did I manage this?
It turns out that espeak is available in Welsh.
First it is necessary to process the Cornish text to replace "dh" with "dd", "f" with "ff" etc. so that it conforms more closely to the Welsh orthography.
Then simply feed in the processed text to espeak with the Welsh voice.
Here's the python script to convert to Welsh orthography:
import sys
import string
# takes first argument as input text, second as output
inputfile = sys.argv[1]
outputfile = sys.argv[2]
#print inputtext_words
inputtext = file(inputfile).readlines()
def towelsh(inputtext):
outputtext = ""
for w in inputtext:
w = w.lower()
w = w.replace("dh","dd")
w = w.replace("f","ff")
w = w.replace("y","i")
w = w.replace("ll","l")
w = w.replace("ch","tj")
w = w.replace("gh","ch")
outputtext += w + "\n"
return outputtext
outputtext = towelsh(inputtext)
outputtext = outputtext.replace(" .",".")
outputtext = outputtext.replace(" - ","-")
outputtext = outputtext.replace(" ' ","'")
#print towelsh
out = file(outputfile,"w")
And a shell script to launch espeak in Linux: (espeak is also available for Windows)
The input text file (original Cornish) and the output sound file are passed to the script as command line arguments.
python kernewek_to_welshorthography.py $1 kows_workingfile.txt
espeak -vcy -w $2 -f kows_workingfile.txt
I can't say the output is perfect but it is generally passable
Bro Goth Agan Tasow (mp3)
Monday, 25 October 2010
Sunday, 24 October 2010
Skrifenn Nownsek - Tekstow Kernewek Rann Dew - Writing Nineteen - Cornish Texts Part Two
Skrifenn Etek - Writing Eighteen - Tekstow Kernewe - Cornish Texts
I have recently acquired a book on "Natural Language Processing with Python" and have begun to apply its principles to a few Cornish texts. I have downloaded a number of the traditional texts from http://corpus.kernewek.cymru247.net/ as well as a couple of modern texts (the short story Solempnyta by Benjamin Bruch and an translation of a chapter of the Lord of the Rings into Cornish from Keskewsel. If anyone reading this has any further texts in electronic form that they'd be willing to let me use let me know.
So here are a few basic results:
['bmkk.txt', 'cwkdlkk.txt', 'omkkks.txt', 'pckk.txt', 'rdkk.txt', 'solempnyta_kk.txt', 'tolkien_kk.txt', 'tregkk.txt']
Text: Improved version 21 / 10 / 96 Bewnans... (Bewnans Meryasek)
Collocations: Building collocations list Collocations are words that tend to be more likely to occur together than would be suggested by their general frequency. This is a built in function of Python's Natural Language Toolkit
pur wir; Comes venetensis; heb falladow; Tertius tortor; Secundus
tortor; Primus tortor; pub eur; Yesu Krist; Episcopus Kernow; Rag
kerensa; heb ahwer; kuv kolonn; wosa hemma; deun alemma; pur dhiogel;
pub termyn; heb namm; heb wow; Primus exulator; dha vodh
number of words = 26815
number of different words = 4664
Lengths of words in descending order of frequency [(3, 5094), (2, 4813), (4, 3857), (5, 3270), (1, 3078), (6, 2636), (7, 1697), (8, 1180), (9, 612), (10, 385), (11, 115), (12, 57), (13, 18), (14, 2), (18, 1)]
Top 50 words: ['a', 'y', 'n', 'dhe', 'ha', 'yn', 'an', 'ow', 'my', 'yw', 'c', 'ny', 'na', 're', 's', 'dha', 'omma', 'pur', 'ni', 'm', 'rag', 'meryasek', 'ma', 'sur', 'krist', 'yesu', 'bys', 'th', 'hwi', 'mar', 'heb', 'arloedh', 'oll', 'ev', 'vynn', 'gans', 'yma', 'dyw', 'vydh', 'lemmyn', 'vy', 'maria', 'den', 'ty', 'wir', 'dell', 'eus', 'meriadocus', 'dhymm', 'sertan']
Top 50 words of 4 or more letters: ['omma', 'meryasek', 'krist', 'yesu', 'arloedh', 'vynn', 'gans', 'vydh', 'lemmyn', 'maria', 'dell', 'meriadocus', 'dhymm', 'sertan', 'meur', 'dhymmo', 'dhyn', 'dhis', 'finit', 'episcopus', 'agas', 'comes', 'primus', 'secundus', 'nyns', 'yredi', 'orth', 'henna', 'prest', 'syrr', 'agan', 'devri', 'tortor', 'dhywgh', 'nevra', 'gweres', 'alemma', 'hanow', 'bydh', 'bynytha', 'deun', 'dhodho', 'epskop', 'hemma', 'lies', 'descendit', 'dhiso', 'lowena', 'mones', 'aredy']
Text: # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # The text of _Gwreans... (Gwreans an Bys)
Collocations: Building collocations list (note that I really should have trimmed some of the comments out that are in the file but not part of the Cornish text)
KDL page; ### KDL; par dell; lever dhis; pub eur; pub tra; pur vras;
pub prys; wosa hemma; pur wir; Nyns eus; vynn mos; dhe vos; Der henna;
mos alemma; mar vras; heb falladow; warn ugens; FIRST DEVIL; myns eus
number of words = 15044
number of different words = 2539
Lengths of words in descending order of frequency [(3, 3450), (2, 3007), (4, 2420), (5, 1666), (1, 1663), (6, 1474), (7, 747), (8, 381), (9, 144), (10, 59), (11, 29), (12, 4)]
Top 50 words: ['a', 'ha', 'y', 'n', 'an', 'dhe', 'my', 'ow', 'yw', 'yn', 'ny', 'na', 'yth', 'adam', 'the', 'bys', 'pur', 'dha', 'ty', 'vydh', 'rag', 'hag', 'henna', 'm', 'pub', 'ma', 'oll', 'omma', 'kdl', 'page', 'th', 'dhymm', 'dyw', 'gans', 'ev', 'mar', 'tas', 'to', 'vynn', 'hwi', 'in', 'der', 'dhymmo', 'eus', 'heb', 'ms', 'and', 'eva', 'vy', 'gwrys']
Top 50 words of 4 or more letters: ['adam', 'vydh', 'henna', 'omma', 'page', 'dhymm', 'gans', 'vynn', 'dhymmo', 'gwrys', 'dhis', 'bras', 'dell', 'father', 'lemmyn', 'nevra', 'serpent', 'dout', 'genev', 'kaym', 'seth', 'keth', 'vras', 'nyns', 'rakhenna', 'hemma', 'meur', 'cain', 'prys', 'orth', 'abel', 'alemma', 'fydh', 'hwath', 'lever', 'yndella', 'ynwedh', 'sertan', 'woer', 'heaven', 'plas', 'agan', 'gwel', 'mayth', 'ragdho', 'wartha', 'genes', 'lavar', 'maga', 'wydhenn']
Text: # --------- ORIGO MUNDI --------- # Keith Syed...
Collocations: Building collocations list
DEUS PATER; REX SAL; pur wir; Tas Dyw; heb falladow; Nyns eus; teyr
gwelenn; may hallo; nyns eus; heb fall; heb wow; Lavar dhymmo; dell
vynni; dres puptra; Arloedh ker; pub huni; pub eur; kollenwel bodh;
verr dermyn; war bayn
number of words = 15533
number of different words = 2608
Lengths of words in descending order of frequency [(3, 3375), (2, 3033), (4, 2396), (1, 1898), (5, 1673), (6, 1421), (7, 956), (8, 469), (9, 171), (10, 97), (12, 21), (11, 19), (13, 2), (14, 2)]
Top 50 words: ['a', 'ha', 'y', 'an', 'n', 'yn', 'dhe', 'ow', 'my', 'dha', 'rag', 'yw', 'na', 'ny', 'dyw', 'oll', 'm', 're', 'bys', 'th', 'vydh', 'arloedh', 'war', 'hag', 'heb', 'may', 'dell', 'ev', 'gans', 'mar', 'dhis', 'ty', 'ma', 'tas', 'i', 'wra', 'ni', 'dhymm', 'lemmyn', 'deus', 'dre', 'nev', 'adam', 'vynn', 'moyses', 'pan', 'pur', 'bos', 'eus', 'pater']
Top 50 words of 4 or more letters: ['vydh', 'arloedh', 'dell', 'gans', 'dhis', 'dhymm', 'lemmyn', 'deus', 'adam', 'vynn', 'moyses', 'pater', 'dhymmo', 'dhyn', 'agan', 'skon', 'bras', 'hware', 'nevra', 'dhodho', 'gwrys', 'nyns', 'sertan', 'dhiso', 'dhyw', 'meur', 'keffrys', 'kyns', 'orth', 'dhywgh', 'henna', 'leun', 'fydh', 'hweg', 'vynytha', 'bydh', 'abel', 'omma', 'onan', 'awos', 'kemmer', 'ellas', 'gwel', 'gwra', 'bones', 'deun', 'nuncius', 'pyth', 'ynwedh', 'bennath']
Text: PASSIO CHRISTI - KK Version made from Norris...
Collocations: Building collocations list
Mab Dyw; Princeps Annas; IVs Tortor; IIs Tortor; IIIs Tortor; pur wir;
heb lettya; tri dydh; kepar dell; dha vodh; IIs Doctor; Dydh Breus;
dhis lowena; Pur wir; dhe wruthyl; kettep onan; may hallo; Arloedh
ker; Myghtern Yedhewon; Nyns eus
number of words = 21260
number of different words = 3604
Lengths of words in descending order of frequency [(3, 4249), (2, 4152), (4, 3066), (5, 2425), (1, 2406), (6, 2115), (7, 1408), (8, 779), (9, 366), (10, 218), (11, 47), (12, 18), (13, 5), (14, 5), (16, 1)]
Top 50 words: ['a', 'y', 'n', 'yn', 'my', 'an', 'ha', 'dhe', 'ow', 'yw', 'et', 'rag', 'ny', 're', 'na', 'dha', 'ev', 'oll', 'hag', 'm', 'dyw', 'tortor', 'bys', 'war', 'gans', 'hic', 'mar', 'ihc', 'th', 'cayphas', 'ma', 'mab', 'may', 'ad', 'ihesu', 'dell', 'lemmyn', 'dhis', 'hwi', 'ty', 'heb', 'pan', 'tunc', 'vydh', 'wra', 'ni', 'arloedh', 's', 'den', 'dre']
Top 50 words of 4 or more letters: ['tortor', 'gans', 'cayphas', 'ihesu', 'dell', 'lemmyn', 'dhis', 'tunc', 'vydh', 'arloedh', 'pilatus', 'dhodho', 'sertan', 'meur', 'vynn', 'dicit', 'dhymm', 'henna', 'dhyn', 'mara', 'annas', 'skon', 'kyns', 'dhywgh', 'dhymmo', 'hware', 'agan', 'agas', 'lowena', 'ellas', 'gwas', 'gwir', 'mars', 'petrus', 'princeps', 'syrr', 'bras', 'hweg', 'lavar', 'worth', 'bydh', 'hayl', 'myghtern', 'dhiso', 'fydh', 'lever', 'nyns', 'yndella', 'awos', 'kettep']
Text: Resurrectio Domini - KK Version made from Norris...
Collocations: Building collocations list
pur wir; Spyrys Sans; fem .?}; verr spys; tressa dydh; kepar dell;
Arloedh ker; Penn vyghternedh; dhe dhasserghi; Kepar dell; vos
dasserghys; osculatur eos; IVs Miles; Ihesu Cryst; Mab Maria; tri
dydh; januis clausis; IIIs Miles; hakkra mernans; heb lettya
number of words = 16209
number of different words = 2635
Lengths of words in descending order of frequency [(3, 3314), (2, 3146), (4, 2310), (1, 2142), (5, 1864), (6, 1476), (7, 990), (8, 497), (9, 239), (10, 171), (11, 40), (12, 16), (13, 3), (14, 1)]
Top 50 words: ['a', 'y', 'n', 'yn', 'ha', 'dhe', 'an', 'ow', 'my', 'yw', 'ny', 'na', 'ev', 'rag', 'arloedh', 'dha', 'mar', 'ty', 'm', 'bys', 'dell', 'ni', 'oll', 'th', 'sur', 're', 'vydh', 'gans', 'meur', 'hag', 'pur', 'ihesu', 'lemmyn', 'nev', 'thomas', 'et', 'dre', 'ma', 'heb', 'bedh', 'pan', 'cryst', 'dhymmo', 'ns', 'dhymm', 'hwi', 'maria', 'dhis', 'dyw', 'neb']
Top 50 words of 4 or more letters: ['arloedh', 'dell', 'vydh', 'gans', 'meur', 'ihesu', 'lemmyn', 'thomas', 'bedh', 'cryst', 'dhymmo', 'dhymm', 'maria', 'dhis', 'dhyn', 'skon', 'bydh', 'korf', 'imperator', 'nyns', 'agan', 'miles', 'sertan', 'marow', 'henna', 'ellas', 'ynwedh', 'tortor', 'bras', 'dhywgh', 'lavar', 'vernona', 'agas', 'leun', 'drog', 'grys', 'myghtern', 'pilatus', 'genen', 'golonn', 'dasserghys', 'genev', 'krysi', 'vynn', 'dhodho', 'gwir', 'tunc', 'hedhyw', 'kepar', 'nevra']
Text: Solempnyta Blackheath . 17 Metheven 1997 . Wel...
Collocations: Building collocations list (Note that this is quite a short text)
Pow Sows; yth esa; dro dhe; brassa rann; mos tre; Hag ythó; Pur dha;
rann anedha; Gov haâ; dell grysav; esov omma; eus saw; rag covhÃ; den
vyth; omma rag; dhe Loundres; ledhys gans; Nyns eus; nyns eus; Henry
number of words = 1264
number of different words = 511
Lengths of words in descending order of frequency [(2, 279), (3, 229), (4, 171), (5, 138), (1, 129), (6, 118), (7, 82), (8, 51), (9, 27), (10, 20), (11, 18), (13, 1), (14, 1)]
Top 50 words: ['an', 'a', 'n', 'yn', 'yw', 'ha', 'y', 'dhe', 'sowsnek', 'ma', 'ow', 'rag', 'my', 'nyns', 'henry', 'mes', 'vy', 'gans', 're', 'hag', 'omma', 'hy', 'o', 'dell', 'shakespeare', 'sows', 'taves', 'war', 'yeth', 'yth', 'dhymm', 'le', 'na', 'nebes', 'ny', 'oll', 'pan', 'po', 'pow', 'yma', 'bos', 'genev', 'gov', 'gwari', 'heb', 'hi', 'may', 'tus', 'vyth', 'aga']
Top 50 words of 4 or more letters: ['sowsnek', 'nyns', 'henry', 'gans', 'omma', 'dell', 'shakespeare', 'sows', 'taves', 'yeth', 'dhymm', 'nebes', 'genev', 'gwari', 'vyth', 'avel', 'erel', 'hedhyw', 'henna', 'kernewek', 'orth', 'sowsneger', 'studhya', 'whath', 'wosa', 'anedha', 'aral', 'bedh', 'blackheath', 'clewes', 'dann', 'dherag', 'honan', 'ledhys', 'margh', 'martesen', 'mernans', 'nans', 'ogas', 'skila', 'tiwedh', 'vernans', 'yethow', 'arta', 'bothek', 'brassa', 'cales', 'cansblydhen', 'clappya', 'codhas']
Text: Osta karer Arloedh An Bysowyer ? Wel ,... (A chapter of Lord Of the Rings rendered in Cornish at www.keskewsel.com)
Collocations: Building collocations list
Yth esa; yth esa; dhe vos; haval orth; Unn Bysow; medh Gandalf; Bag
End; Nyns eus; dro dhe; leveris Gandalf; wovynnas Frodo; medh Frodo;
neb kas; fatell wrug; dell dybav; dann gel; res dhis; rewlya oll;
Parkow Gladen; dre dermyn
number of words = 11147
number of different words = 1966
Lengths of words in descending order of frequency [(2, 2309), (3, 2004), (1, 1526), (4, 1442), (5, 1342), (6, 976), (7, 772), (8, 395), (9, 185), (10, 129), (11, 36), (12, 10), (13, 9), (17, 5), (15, 3), (18, 2), (14, 1), (16, 1)]
Top 50 words: ['a', 'an', 'ev', 'y', 'yn', 'ha', 'n', 'dhe', 'hag', 'mes', 'o', 'ow', 'na', 'yw', 'ny', 'frodo', 'bysow', 'esa', 'vy', 'yth', 're', 'my', 'nyns', 'gans', 'wrug', 'dell', 'bos', 'rag', 'i', 'oll', 'gandalf', 'vos', 'bylbo', 'orth', 'po', 'mar', 'termyn', 'henna', 'dre', 'leveris', 'meur', 'dhodho', 'medh', 'aga', 'es', 'pan', 'pur', 'dres', 'ta', 'yma']
Top 50 words of 4 or more letters: ['frodo', 'bysow', 'nyns', 'gans', 'wrug', 'dell', 'gandalf', 'bylbo', 'orth', 'termyn', 'henna', 'leveris', 'meur', 'dhodho', 'medh', 'dres', 'arta', 'kever', 'nerth', 'dhymm', 'diworth', 'golum', 'shayr', 'tewl', 'haval', 'hobytow', 'hwir', 'nebes', 'wosa', 'henn', 'honan', 'lemmyn', 'yndella', 'arall', 'kyns', 'vydh', 'hwath', 'ganso', 'klywes', 'pyth', 'woer', 'drefenn', 'elfow', 'leverel', 'owth', 'ytho', 'dhis', 'nans', 'nevra', 'orto']
Text: THE TREGEAR HOMILIES KK Version made from Christopher...
Collocations: Building collocations list
dhe vos; kepar dell; Spyrys Sans; agan Savyour; katholik eglos; pub
eur; mar veur; heb diwedh; fatell wrug; Yesu Krist; dre reson; agan
honan; Savyour Yesu; res dhyn; agan Arloedh; Katholik Eglos; Sans
Eglos; dell wrug; dhe leverel; gan Savyour
number of words = 40897
number of different words = 5246
Lengths of words in descending order of frequency [(2, 8508), (3, 7334), (1, 5121), (4, 5001), (5, 4461), (6, 3516), (7, 2555), (8, 2112), (9, 1009), (10, 637), (11, 317), (12, 155), (13, 99), (14, 43), (15, 17), (16, 5), (17, 3), (19, 2), (18, 1), (20, 1)]
Top 50 words: ['a', 'ha', 'an', 'n', 'dhe', 'y', 'yn', 'yw', 'ow', 'ni', 'ev', 'ma', 'na', 'rag', 'krist', 'agan', 'wrug', 's', 'oll', 'dre', 'yma', 'eglos', 'dyw', 'gans', 'hag', 'bonner', 'fatell', 'henna', 'et', 'kepar', 'den', 'leverel', 'vos', 'aga', 'yth', 'mar', 'keth', 're', 'honan', 'dell', 'bos', 'i', 'in', 'vydh', 'folio', 'ny', 'o', 'de', 'homily', 'nyns']
Top 50 words of 4 or more letters: ['krist', 'agan', 'wrug', 'eglos', 'gans', 'bonner', 'fatell', 'henna', 'kepar', 'leverel', 'keth', 'honan', 'dell', 'vydh', 'folio', 'homily', 'nyns', 'dhyn', 'dhyw', 'ynwedh', 'korf', 'savyour', 'rakhenna', 'hemma', 'henn', 'dhiworth', 'katholik', 'onan', 'geryow', 'pyth', 'hwath', 'arloedh', 'peder', 'chaptra', 'gwrys', 'omma', 'yndella', 'skryptor', 'lemmyn', 'bobel', 'sans', 'arall', 'dhodho', 'goes', 'leveris', 'lies', 'spyrys', 'agas', 'powl', 'termyn']
Here we see what percentage of the text words of various lengths make up:
Text: Improved version 21 / 10 / 96 Bewnans...
3 letters : 14.05 %
2 letters : 13.27 %
4 letters : 10.63 %
5 letters : 9.020 %
1 letters : 8.490 %
6 letters : 7.271 %
7 letters : 4.681 %
8 letters : 3.255 %
9 letters : 1.688 %
10 letters : 1.062 %
11 letters : 0.317 %
12 letters : 0.157 %
13 letters : 0.049 %
14 letters : 0.005 %
18 letters : 0.002 %
Text: # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # The text of _Gwreans...
3 letters : 15.71 %
2 letters : 13.70 %
4 letters : 11.02 %
5 letters : 7.590 %
1 letters : 7.577 %
6 letters : 6.715 %
7 letters : 3.403 %
8 letters : 1.735 %
9 letters : 0.656 %
10 letters : 0.268 %
11 letters : 0.132 %
12 letters : 0.018 %
Text: # --------- ORIGO MUNDI --------- # Keith Syed...
3 letters : 16.67 %
2 letters : 14.98 %
4 letters : 11.83 %
1 letters : 9.376 %
5 letters : 8.264 %
6 letters : 7.020 %
7 letters : 4.722 %
8 letters : 2.316 %
9 letters : 0.844 %
10 letters : 0.479 %
12 letters : 0.103 %
11 letters : 0.093 %
13 letters : 0.009 %
14 letters : 0.009 %
Text: PASSIO CHRISTI - KK Version made from Norris...
3 letters : 15.49 %
2 letters : 15.14 %
4 letters : 11.18 %
5 letters : 8.844 %
1 letters : 8.774 %
6 letters : 7.713 %
7 letters : 5.135 %
8 letters : 2.841 %
9 letters : 1.334 %
10 letters : 0.795 %
11 letters : 0.171 %
12 letters : 0.065 %
13 letters : 0.018 %
14 letters : 0.018 %
16 letters : 0.003 %
Text: Resurrectio Domini - KK Version made from Norris...
3 letters : 15.66 %
2 letters : 14.86 %
4 letters : 10.91 %
1 letters : 10.12 %
5 letters : 8.808 %
6 letters : 6.974 %
7 letters : 4.678 %
8 letters : 2.348 %
9 letters : 1.129 %
10 letters : 0.808 %
11 letters : 0.189 %
12 letters : 0.075 %
13 letters : 0.014 %
14 letters : 0.004 %
Text: Solempnyta Blackheath . 17 Metheven 1997 . Wel...
2 letters : 16.55 %
3 letters : 13.59 %
4 letters : 10.14 %
5 letters : 8.189 %
1 letters : 7.655 %
6 letters : 7.002 %
7 letters : 4.866 %
8 letters : 3.026 %
9 letters : 1.602 %
10 letters : 1.186 %
11 letters : 1.068 %
13 letters : 0.059 %
14 letters : 0.059 %
Text: Osta karer Arloedh An Bysowyer ? Wel ,...
2 letters : 15.47 %
3 letters : 13.42 %
1 letters : 10.22 %
4 letters : 9.661 %
5 letters : 8.991 %
6 letters : 6.539 %
7 letters : 5.172 %
8 letters : 2.646 %
9 letters : 1.239 %
10 letters : 0.864 %
11 letters : 0.241 %
12 letters : 0.067 %
13 letters : 0.060 %
17 letters : 0.033 %
15 letters : 0.020 %
18 letters : 0.013 %
14 letters : 0.006 %
16 letters : 0.006 %
Text: THE TREGEAR HOMILIES KK Version made from Christopher...
2 letters : 16.19 %
3 letters : 13.95 %
1 letters : 9.745 %
4 letters : 9.517 %
5 letters : 8.489 %
6 letters : 6.691 %
7 letters : 4.862 %
8 letters : 4.019 %
9 letters : 1.920 %
10 letters : 1.212 %
11 letters : 0.603 %
12 letters : 0.294 %
13 letters : 0.188 %
14 letters : 0.081 %
15 letters : 0.032 %
16 letters : 0.009 %
17 letters : 0.005 %
19 letters : 0.003 %
18 letters : 0.001 %
20 letters : 0.001 %
Here we show what percentage individual words make up of a given text.
Text: Improved version 21 / 10 / 96 Bewnans...
a : 3.233 %
y : 1.613 %
n : 1.431 %
dhe : 1.359 %
ha : 1.274 %
yn : 1.150 %
an : 1.051 %
ow : 1.006 %
my : 0.976 %
yw : 0.846 %
c : 0.822 %
ny : 0.689 %
na : 0.590 %
re : 0.571 %
s : 0.513 %
dha : 0.499 %
omma : 0.499 %
pur : 0.496 %
ni : 0.463 %
m : 0.449 %
Text: # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # The text of _Gwreans...
a : 3.781 %
ha : 1.581 %
y : 1.476 %
n : 1.435 %
an : 1.362 %
dhe : 1.316 %
my : 1.152 %
ow : 1.075 %
yw : 0.952 %
yn : 0.947 %
ny : 0.701 %
na : 0.651 %
yth : 0.542 %
adam : 0.492 %
the : 0.482 %
bys : 0.473 %
pur : 0.469 %
dha : 0.446 %
ty : 0.441 %
vydh : 0.428 %
Text: # --------- ORIGO MUNDI --------- # Keith Syed...
a : 4.890 %
ha : 1.753 %
y : 1.719 %
an : 1.570 %
n : 1.526 %
yn : 1.511 %
dhe : 1.383 %
ow : 1.373 %
my : 1.249 %
dha : 0.844 %
rag : 0.755 %
yw : 0.755 %
na : 0.666 %
ny : 0.666 %
dyw : 0.573 %
oll : 0.568 %
m : 0.543 %
re : 0.533 %
bys : 0.508 %
th : 0.464 %
Text: PASSIO CHRISTI - KK Version made from Norris...
a : 3.924 %
y : 2.337 %
n : 1.531 %
yn : 1.385 %
my : 1.316 %
an : 1.283 %
ha : 1.276 %
dhe : 1.050 %
ow : 1.013 %
yw : 0.846 %
et : 0.751 %
rag : 0.707 %
ny : 0.689 %
re : 0.652 %
na : 0.649 %
dha : 0.576 %
ev : 0.503 %
oll : 0.452 %
hag : 0.415 %
m : 0.404 %
Text: Resurrectio Domini - KK Version made from Norris...
a : 4.853 %
y : 2.216 %
n : 1.989 %
yn : 1.606 %
ha : 1.356 %
dhe : 1.327 %
an : 1.256 %
ow : 1.063 %
my : 1.001 %
yw : 0.954 %
ny : 0.907 %
na : 0.803 %
ev : 0.666 %
rag : 0.619 %
arloedh : 0.567 %
dha : 0.533 %
mar : 0.496 %
ty : 0.472 %
m : 0.448 %
bys : 0.430 %
Text: Solempnyta Blackheath . 17 Metheven 1997 . Wel...
an : 3.738 %
a : 3.323 %
n : 2.195 %
yn : 1.721 %
yw : 1.661 %
ha : 1.602 %
y : 1.186 %
dhe : 1.127 %
sowsnek : 1.127 %
ma : 1.008 %
ow : 1.008 %
rag : 0.890 %
my : 0.830 %
nyns : 0.830 %
henry : 0.712 %
mes : 0.652 %
vy : 0.652 %
gans : 0.593 %
re : 0.593 %
hag : 0.534 %
Text: Osta karer Arloedh An Bysowyer ? Wel ,...
a : 4.783 %
an : 2.599 %
ev : 2.512 %
y : 2.445 %
yn : 2.070 %
ha : 1.862 %
n : 1.587 %
dhe : 1.226 %
hag : 1.038 %
mes : 1.011 %
o : 0.884 %
ow : 0.824 %
na : 0.676 %
yw : 0.663 %
ny : 0.636 %
frodo : 0.596 %
bysow : 0.589 %
esa : 0.509 %
vy : 0.502 %
yth : 0.495 %
Text: THE TREGEAR HOMILIES KK Version made from Christopher...
a : 4.411 %
ha : 3.016 %
an : 2.925 %
n : 2.148 %
dhe : 1.899 %
y : 1.821 %
yn : 1.288 %
yw : 1.157 %
ow : 1.073 %
ni : 0.858 %
ev : 0.839 %
ma : 0.749 %
na : 0.698 %
rag : 0.679 %
krist : 0.664 %
agan : 0.616 %
wrug : 0.603 %
s : 0.527 %
oll : 0.464 %
dre : 0.439 %
So here are a few basic results:
['bmkk.txt', 'cwkdlkk.txt', 'omkkks.txt', 'pckk.txt', 'rdkk.txt', 'solempnyta_kk.txt', 'tolkien_kk.txt', 'tregkk.txt']
Text: Improved version 21 / 10 / 96 Bewnans... (Bewnans Meryasek)
Collocations: Building collocations list Collocations are words that tend to be more likely to occur together than would be suggested by their general frequency. This is a built in function of Python's Natural Language Toolkit
pur wir; Comes venetensis; heb falladow; Tertius tortor; Secundus
tortor; Primus tortor; pub eur; Yesu Krist; Episcopus Kernow; Rag
kerensa; heb ahwer; kuv kolonn; wosa hemma; deun alemma; pur dhiogel;
pub termyn; heb namm; heb wow; Primus exulator; dha vodh
number of words = 26815
number of different words = 4664
Lengths of words in descending order of frequency [(3, 5094), (2, 4813), (4, 3857), (5, 3270), (1, 3078), (6, 2636), (7, 1697), (8, 1180), (9, 612), (10, 385), (11, 115), (12, 57), (13, 18), (14, 2), (18, 1)]
Top 50 words: ['a', 'y', 'n', 'dhe', 'ha', 'yn', 'an', 'ow', 'my', 'yw', 'c', 'ny', 'na', 're', 's', 'dha', 'omma', 'pur', 'ni', 'm', 'rag', 'meryasek', 'ma', 'sur', 'krist', 'yesu', 'bys', 'th', 'hwi', 'mar', 'heb', 'arloedh', 'oll', 'ev', 'vynn', 'gans', 'yma', 'dyw', 'vydh', 'lemmyn', 'vy', 'maria', 'den', 'ty', 'wir', 'dell', 'eus', 'meriadocus', 'dhymm', 'sertan']
Top 50 words of 4 or more letters: ['omma', 'meryasek', 'krist', 'yesu', 'arloedh', 'vynn', 'gans', 'vydh', 'lemmyn', 'maria', 'dell', 'meriadocus', 'dhymm', 'sertan', 'meur', 'dhymmo', 'dhyn', 'dhis', 'finit', 'episcopus', 'agas', 'comes', 'primus', 'secundus', 'nyns', 'yredi', 'orth', 'henna', 'prest', 'syrr', 'agan', 'devri', 'tortor', 'dhywgh', 'nevra', 'gweres', 'alemma', 'hanow', 'bydh', 'bynytha', 'deun', 'dhodho', 'epskop', 'hemma', 'lies', 'descendit', 'dhiso', 'lowena', 'mones', 'aredy']
Text: # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # The text of _Gwreans... (Gwreans an Bys)
Collocations: Building collocations list (note that I really should have trimmed some of the comments out that are in the file but not part of the Cornish text)
KDL page; ### KDL; par dell; lever dhis; pub eur; pub tra; pur vras;
pub prys; wosa hemma; pur wir; Nyns eus; vynn mos; dhe vos; Der henna;
mos alemma; mar vras; heb falladow; warn ugens; FIRST DEVIL; myns eus
number of words = 15044
number of different words = 2539
Lengths of words in descending order of frequency [(3, 3450), (2, 3007), (4, 2420), (5, 1666), (1, 1663), (6, 1474), (7, 747), (8, 381), (9, 144), (10, 59), (11, 29), (12, 4)]
Top 50 words: ['a', 'ha', 'y', 'n', 'an', 'dhe', 'my', 'ow', 'yw', 'yn', 'ny', 'na', 'yth', 'adam', 'the', 'bys', 'pur', 'dha', 'ty', 'vydh', 'rag', 'hag', 'henna', 'm', 'pub', 'ma', 'oll', 'omma', 'kdl', 'page', 'th', 'dhymm', 'dyw', 'gans', 'ev', 'mar', 'tas', 'to', 'vynn', 'hwi', 'in', 'der', 'dhymmo', 'eus', 'heb', 'ms', 'and', 'eva', 'vy', 'gwrys']
Top 50 words of 4 or more letters: ['adam', 'vydh', 'henna', 'omma', 'page', 'dhymm', 'gans', 'vynn', 'dhymmo', 'gwrys', 'dhis', 'bras', 'dell', 'father', 'lemmyn', 'nevra', 'serpent', 'dout', 'genev', 'kaym', 'seth', 'keth', 'vras', 'nyns', 'rakhenna', 'hemma', 'meur', 'cain', 'prys', 'orth', 'abel', 'alemma', 'fydh', 'hwath', 'lever', 'yndella', 'ynwedh', 'sertan', 'woer', 'heaven', 'plas', 'agan', 'gwel', 'mayth', 'ragdho', 'wartha', 'genes', 'lavar', 'maga', 'wydhenn']
Text: # --------- ORIGO MUNDI --------- # Keith Syed...
Collocations: Building collocations list
DEUS PATER; REX SAL; pur wir; Tas Dyw; heb falladow; Nyns eus; teyr
gwelenn; may hallo; nyns eus; heb fall; heb wow; Lavar dhymmo; dell
vynni; dres puptra; Arloedh ker; pub huni; pub eur; kollenwel bodh;
verr dermyn; war bayn
number of words = 15533
number of different words = 2608
Lengths of words in descending order of frequency [(3, 3375), (2, 3033), (4, 2396), (1, 1898), (5, 1673), (6, 1421), (7, 956), (8, 469), (9, 171), (10, 97), (12, 21), (11, 19), (13, 2), (14, 2)]
Top 50 words: ['a', 'ha', 'y', 'an', 'n', 'yn', 'dhe', 'ow', 'my', 'dha', 'rag', 'yw', 'na', 'ny', 'dyw', 'oll', 'm', 're', 'bys', 'th', 'vydh', 'arloedh', 'war', 'hag', 'heb', 'may', 'dell', 'ev', 'gans', 'mar', 'dhis', 'ty', 'ma', 'tas', 'i', 'wra', 'ni', 'dhymm', 'lemmyn', 'deus', 'dre', 'nev', 'adam', 'vynn', 'moyses', 'pan', 'pur', 'bos', 'eus', 'pater']
Top 50 words of 4 or more letters: ['vydh', 'arloedh', 'dell', 'gans', 'dhis', 'dhymm', 'lemmyn', 'deus', 'adam', 'vynn', 'moyses', 'pater', 'dhymmo', 'dhyn', 'agan', 'skon', 'bras', 'hware', 'nevra', 'dhodho', 'gwrys', 'nyns', 'sertan', 'dhiso', 'dhyw', 'meur', 'keffrys', 'kyns', 'orth', 'dhywgh', 'henna', 'leun', 'fydh', 'hweg', 'vynytha', 'bydh', 'abel', 'omma', 'onan', 'awos', 'kemmer', 'ellas', 'gwel', 'gwra', 'bones', 'deun', 'nuncius', 'pyth', 'ynwedh', 'bennath']
Text: PASSIO CHRISTI - KK Version made from Norris...
Collocations: Building collocations list
Mab Dyw; Princeps Annas; IVs Tortor; IIs Tortor; IIIs Tortor; pur wir;
heb lettya; tri dydh; kepar dell; dha vodh; IIs Doctor; Dydh Breus;
dhis lowena; Pur wir; dhe wruthyl; kettep onan; may hallo; Arloedh
ker; Myghtern Yedhewon; Nyns eus
number of words = 21260
number of different words = 3604
Lengths of words in descending order of frequency [(3, 4249), (2, 4152), (4, 3066), (5, 2425), (1, 2406), (6, 2115), (7, 1408), (8, 779), (9, 366), (10, 218), (11, 47), (12, 18), (13, 5), (14, 5), (16, 1)]
Top 50 words: ['a', 'y', 'n', 'yn', 'my', 'an', 'ha', 'dhe', 'ow', 'yw', 'et', 'rag', 'ny', 're', 'na', 'dha', 'ev', 'oll', 'hag', 'm', 'dyw', 'tortor', 'bys', 'war', 'gans', 'hic', 'mar', 'ihc', 'th', 'cayphas', 'ma', 'mab', 'may', 'ad', 'ihesu', 'dell', 'lemmyn', 'dhis', 'hwi', 'ty', 'heb', 'pan', 'tunc', 'vydh', 'wra', 'ni', 'arloedh', 's', 'den', 'dre']
Top 50 words of 4 or more letters: ['tortor', 'gans', 'cayphas', 'ihesu', 'dell', 'lemmyn', 'dhis', 'tunc', 'vydh', 'arloedh', 'pilatus', 'dhodho', 'sertan', 'meur', 'vynn', 'dicit', 'dhymm', 'henna', 'dhyn', 'mara', 'annas', 'skon', 'kyns', 'dhywgh', 'dhymmo', 'hware', 'agan', 'agas', 'lowena', 'ellas', 'gwas', 'gwir', 'mars', 'petrus', 'princeps', 'syrr', 'bras', 'hweg', 'lavar', 'worth', 'bydh', 'hayl', 'myghtern', 'dhiso', 'fydh', 'lever', 'nyns', 'yndella', 'awos', 'kettep']
Text: Resurrectio Domini - KK Version made from Norris...
Collocations: Building collocations list
pur wir; Spyrys Sans; fem .?}; verr spys; tressa dydh; kepar dell;
Arloedh ker; Penn vyghternedh; dhe dhasserghi; Kepar dell; vos
dasserghys; osculatur eos; IVs Miles; Ihesu Cryst; Mab Maria; tri
dydh; januis clausis; IIIs Miles; hakkra mernans; heb lettya
number of words = 16209
number of different words = 2635
Lengths of words in descending order of frequency [(3, 3314), (2, 3146), (4, 2310), (1, 2142), (5, 1864), (6, 1476), (7, 990), (8, 497), (9, 239), (10, 171), (11, 40), (12, 16), (13, 3), (14, 1)]
Top 50 words: ['a', 'y', 'n', 'yn', 'ha', 'dhe', 'an', 'ow', 'my', 'yw', 'ny', 'na', 'ev', 'rag', 'arloedh', 'dha', 'mar', 'ty', 'm', 'bys', 'dell', 'ni', 'oll', 'th', 'sur', 're', 'vydh', 'gans', 'meur', 'hag', 'pur', 'ihesu', 'lemmyn', 'nev', 'thomas', 'et', 'dre', 'ma', 'heb', 'bedh', 'pan', 'cryst', 'dhymmo', 'ns', 'dhymm', 'hwi', 'maria', 'dhis', 'dyw', 'neb']
Top 50 words of 4 or more letters: ['arloedh', 'dell', 'vydh', 'gans', 'meur', 'ihesu', 'lemmyn', 'thomas', 'bedh', 'cryst', 'dhymmo', 'dhymm', 'maria', 'dhis', 'dhyn', 'skon', 'bydh', 'korf', 'imperator', 'nyns', 'agan', 'miles', 'sertan', 'marow', 'henna', 'ellas', 'ynwedh', 'tortor', 'bras', 'dhywgh', 'lavar', 'vernona', 'agas', 'leun', 'drog', 'grys', 'myghtern', 'pilatus', 'genen', 'golonn', 'dasserghys', 'genev', 'krysi', 'vynn', 'dhodho', 'gwir', 'tunc', 'hedhyw', 'kepar', 'nevra']
Text: Solempnyta Blackheath . 17 Metheven 1997 . Wel...
Collocations: Building collocations list (Note that this is quite a short text)
Pow Sows; yth esa; dro dhe; brassa rann; mos tre; Hag ythó; Pur dha;
rann anedha; Gov haâ; dell grysav; esov omma; eus saw; rag covhÃ; den
vyth; omma rag; dhe Loundres; ledhys gans; Nyns eus; nyns eus; Henry
number of words = 1264
number of different words = 511
Lengths of words in descending order of frequency [(2, 279), (3, 229), (4, 171), (5, 138), (1, 129), (6, 118), (7, 82), (8, 51), (9, 27), (10, 20), (11, 18), (13, 1), (14, 1)]
Top 50 words: ['an', 'a', 'n', 'yn', 'yw', 'ha', 'y', 'dhe', 'sowsnek', 'ma', 'ow', 'rag', 'my', 'nyns', 'henry', 'mes', 'vy', 'gans', 're', 'hag', 'omma', 'hy', 'o', 'dell', 'shakespeare', 'sows', 'taves', 'war', 'yeth', 'yth', 'dhymm', 'le', 'na', 'nebes', 'ny', 'oll', 'pan', 'po', 'pow', 'yma', 'bos', 'genev', 'gov', 'gwari', 'heb', 'hi', 'may', 'tus', 'vyth', 'aga']
Top 50 words of 4 or more letters: ['sowsnek', 'nyns', 'henry', 'gans', 'omma', 'dell', 'shakespeare', 'sows', 'taves', 'yeth', 'dhymm', 'nebes', 'genev', 'gwari', 'vyth', 'avel', 'erel', 'hedhyw', 'henna', 'kernewek', 'orth', 'sowsneger', 'studhya', 'whath', 'wosa', 'anedha', 'aral', 'bedh', 'blackheath', 'clewes', 'dann', 'dherag', 'honan', 'ledhys', 'margh', 'martesen', 'mernans', 'nans', 'ogas', 'skila', 'tiwedh', 'vernans', 'yethow', 'arta', 'bothek', 'brassa', 'cales', 'cansblydhen', 'clappya', 'codhas']
Text: Osta karer Arloedh An Bysowyer ? Wel ,... (A chapter of Lord Of the Rings rendered in Cornish at www.keskewsel.com)
Collocations: Building collocations list
Yth esa; yth esa; dhe vos; haval orth; Unn Bysow; medh Gandalf; Bag
End; Nyns eus; dro dhe; leveris Gandalf; wovynnas Frodo; medh Frodo;
neb kas; fatell wrug; dell dybav; dann gel; res dhis; rewlya oll;
Parkow Gladen; dre dermyn
number of words = 11147
number of different words = 1966
Lengths of words in descending order of frequency [(2, 2309), (3, 2004), (1, 1526), (4, 1442), (5, 1342), (6, 976), (7, 772), (8, 395), (9, 185), (10, 129), (11, 36), (12, 10), (13, 9), (17, 5), (15, 3), (18, 2), (14, 1), (16, 1)]
Top 50 words: ['a', 'an', 'ev', 'y', 'yn', 'ha', 'n', 'dhe', 'hag', 'mes', 'o', 'ow', 'na', 'yw', 'ny', 'frodo', 'bysow', 'esa', 'vy', 'yth', 're', 'my', 'nyns', 'gans', 'wrug', 'dell', 'bos', 'rag', 'i', 'oll', 'gandalf', 'vos', 'bylbo', 'orth', 'po', 'mar', 'termyn', 'henna', 'dre', 'leveris', 'meur', 'dhodho', 'medh', 'aga', 'es', 'pan', 'pur', 'dres', 'ta', 'yma']
Top 50 words of 4 or more letters: ['frodo', 'bysow', 'nyns', 'gans', 'wrug', 'dell', 'gandalf', 'bylbo', 'orth', 'termyn', 'henna', 'leveris', 'meur', 'dhodho', 'medh', 'dres', 'arta', 'kever', 'nerth', 'dhymm', 'diworth', 'golum', 'shayr', 'tewl', 'haval', 'hobytow', 'hwir', 'nebes', 'wosa', 'henn', 'honan', 'lemmyn', 'yndella', 'arall', 'kyns', 'vydh', 'hwath', 'ganso', 'klywes', 'pyth', 'woer', 'drefenn', 'elfow', 'leverel', 'owth', 'ytho', 'dhis', 'nans', 'nevra', 'orto']
Text: THE TREGEAR HOMILIES KK Version made from Christopher...
Collocations: Building collocations list
dhe vos; kepar dell; Spyrys Sans; agan Savyour; katholik eglos; pub
eur; mar veur; heb diwedh; fatell wrug; Yesu Krist; dre reson; agan
honan; Savyour Yesu; res dhyn; agan Arloedh; Katholik Eglos; Sans
Eglos; dell wrug; dhe leverel; gan Savyour
number of words = 40897
number of different words = 5246
Lengths of words in descending order of frequency [(2, 8508), (3, 7334), (1, 5121), (4, 5001), (5, 4461), (6, 3516), (7, 2555), (8, 2112), (9, 1009), (10, 637), (11, 317), (12, 155), (13, 99), (14, 43), (15, 17), (16, 5), (17, 3), (19, 2), (18, 1), (20, 1)]
Top 50 words: ['a', 'ha', 'an', 'n', 'dhe', 'y', 'yn', 'yw', 'ow', 'ni', 'ev', 'ma', 'na', 'rag', 'krist', 'agan', 'wrug', 's', 'oll', 'dre', 'yma', 'eglos', 'dyw', 'gans', 'hag', 'bonner', 'fatell', 'henna', 'et', 'kepar', 'den', 'leverel', 'vos', 'aga', 'yth', 'mar', 'keth', 're', 'honan', 'dell', 'bos', 'i', 'in', 'vydh', 'folio', 'ny', 'o', 'de', 'homily', 'nyns']
Top 50 words of 4 or more letters: ['krist', 'agan', 'wrug', 'eglos', 'gans', 'bonner', 'fatell', 'henna', 'kepar', 'leverel', 'keth', 'honan', 'dell', 'vydh', 'folio', 'homily', 'nyns', 'dhyn', 'dhyw', 'ynwedh', 'korf', 'savyour', 'rakhenna', 'hemma', 'henn', 'dhiworth', 'katholik', 'onan', 'geryow', 'pyth', 'hwath', 'arloedh', 'peder', 'chaptra', 'gwrys', 'omma', 'yndella', 'skryptor', 'lemmyn', 'bobel', 'sans', 'arall', 'dhodho', 'goes', 'leveris', 'lies', 'spyrys', 'agas', 'powl', 'termyn']
Here we see what percentage of the text words of various lengths make up:
Text: Improved version 21 / 10 / 96 Bewnans...
3 letters : 14.05 %
2 letters : 13.27 %
4 letters : 10.63 %
5 letters : 9.020 %
1 letters : 8.490 %
6 letters : 7.271 %
7 letters : 4.681 %
8 letters : 3.255 %
9 letters : 1.688 %
10 letters : 1.062 %
11 letters : 0.317 %
12 letters : 0.157 %
13 letters : 0.049 %
14 letters : 0.005 %
18 letters : 0.002 %
Text: # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # The text of _Gwreans...
3 letters : 15.71 %
2 letters : 13.70 %
4 letters : 11.02 %
5 letters : 7.590 %
1 letters : 7.577 %
6 letters : 6.715 %
7 letters : 3.403 %
8 letters : 1.735 %
9 letters : 0.656 %
10 letters : 0.268 %
11 letters : 0.132 %
12 letters : 0.018 %
Text: # --------- ORIGO MUNDI --------- # Keith Syed...
3 letters : 16.67 %
2 letters : 14.98 %
4 letters : 11.83 %
1 letters : 9.376 %
5 letters : 8.264 %
6 letters : 7.020 %
7 letters : 4.722 %
8 letters : 2.316 %
9 letters : 0.844 %
10 letters : 0.479 %
12 letters : 0.103 %
11 letters : 0.093 %
13 letters : 0.009 %
14 letters : 0.009 %
Text: PASSIO CHRISTI - KK Version made from Norris...
3 letters : 15.49 %
2 letters : 15.14 %
4 letters : 11.18 %
5 letters : 8.844 %
1 letters : 8.774 %
6 letters : 7.713 %
7 letters : 5.135 %
8 letters : 2.841 %
9 letters : 1.334 %
10 letters : 0.795 %
11 letters : 0.171 %
12 letters : 0.065 %
13 letters : 0.018 %
14 letters : 0.018 %
16 letters : 0.003 %
Text: Resurrectio Domini - KK Version made from Norris...
3 letters : 15.66 %
2 letters : 14.86 %
4 letters : 10.91 %
1 letters : 10.12 %
5 letters : 8.808 %
6 letters : 6.974 %
7 letters : 4.678 %
8 letters : 2.348 %
9 letters : 1.129 %
10 letters : 0.808 %
11 letters : 0.189 %
12 letters : 0.075 %
13 letters : 0.014 %
14 letters : 0.004 %
Text: Solempnyta Blackheath . 17 Metheven 1997 . Wel...
2 letters : 16.55 %
3 letters : 13.59 %
4 letters : 10.14 %
5 letters : 8.189 %
1 letters : 7.655 %
6 letters : 7.002 %
7 letters : 4.866 %
8 letters : 3.026 %
9 letters : 1.602 %
10 letters : 1.186 %
11 letters : 1.068 %
13 letters : 0.059 %
14 letters : 0.059 %
Text: Osta karer Arloedh An Bysowyer ? Wel ,...
2 letters : 15.47 %
3 letters : 13.42 %
1 letters : 10.22 %
4 letters : 9.661 %
5 letters : 8.991 %
6 letters : 6.539 %
7 letters : 5.172 %
8 letters : 2.646 %
9 letters : 1.239 %
10 letters : 0.864 %
11 letters : 0.241 %
12 letters : 0.067 %
13 letters : 0.060 %
17 letters : 0.033 %
15 letters : 0.020 %
18 letters : 0.013 %
14 letters : 0.006 %
16 letters : 0.006 %
Text: THE TREGEAR HOMILIES KK Version made from Christopher...
2 letters : 16.19 %
3 letters : 13.95 %
1 letters : 9.745 %
4 letters : 9.517 %
5 letters : 8.489 %
6 letters : 6.691 %
7 letters : 4.862 %
8 letters : 4.019 %
9 letters : 1.920 %
10 letters : 1.212 %
11 letters : 0.603 %
12 letters : 0.294 %
13 letters : 0.188 %
14 letters : 0.081 %
15 letters : 0.032 %
16 letters : 0.009 %
17 letters : 0.005 %
19 letters : 0.003 %
18 letters : 0.001 %
20 letters : 0.001 %
Here we show what percentage individual words make up of a given text.
Text: Improved version 21 / 10 / 96 Bewnans...
a : 3.233 %
y : 1.613 %
n : 1.431 %
dhe : 1.359 %
ha : 1.274 %
yn : 1.150 %
an : 1.051 %
ow : 1.006 %
my : 0.976 %
yw : 0.846 %
c : 0.822 %
ny : 0.689 %
na : 0.590 %
re : 0.571 %
s : 0.513 %
dha : 0.499 %
omma : 0.499 %
pur : 0.496 %
ni : 0.463 %
m : 0.449 %
Text: # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # The text of _Gwreans...
a : 3.781 %
ha : 1.581 %
y : 1.476 %
n : 1.435 %
an : 1.362 %
dhe : 1.316 %
my : 1.152 %
ow : 1.075 %
yw : 0.952 %
yn : 0.947 %
ny : 0.701 %
na : 0.651 %
yth : 0.542 %
adam : 0.492 %
the : 0.482 %
bys : 0.473 %
pur : 0.469 %
dha : 0.446 %
ty : 0.441 %
vydh : 0.428 %
Text: # --------- ORIGO MUNDI --------- # Keith Syed...
a : 4.890 %
ha : 1.753 %
y : 1.719 %
an : 1.570 %
n : 1.526 %
yn : 1.511 %
dhe : 1.383 %
ow : 1.373 %
my : 1.249 %
dha : 0.844 %
rag : 0.755 %
yw : 0.755 %
na : 0.666 %
ny : 0.666 %
dyw : 0.573 %
oll : 0.568 %
m : 0.543 %
re : 0.533 %
bys : 0.508 %
th : 0.464 %
Text: PASSIO CHRISTI - KK Version made from Norris...
a : 3.924 %
y : 2.337 %
n : 1.531 %
yn : 1.385 %
my : 1.316 %
an : 1.283 %
ha : 1.276 %
dhe : 1.050 %
ow : 1.013 %
yw : 0.846 %
et : 0.751 %
rag : 0.707 %
ny : 0.689 %
re : 0.652 %
na : 0.649 %
dha : 0.576 %
ev : 0.503 %
oll : 0.452 %
hag : 0.415 %
m : 0.404 %
Text: Resurrectio Domini - KK Version made from Norris...
a : 4.853 %
y : 2.216 %
n : 1.989 %
yn : 1.606 %
ha : 1.356 %
dhe : 1.327 %
an : 1.256 %
ow : 1.063 %
my : 1.001 %
yw : 0.954 %
ny : 0.907 %
na : 0.803 %
ev : 0.666 %
rag : 0.619 %
arloedh : 0.567 %
dha : 0.533 %
mar : 0.496 %
ty : 0.472 %
m : 0.448 %
bys : 0.430 %
Text: Solempnyta Blackheath . 17 Metheven 1997 . Wel...
an : 3.738 %
a : 3.323 %
n : 2.195 %
yn : 1.721 %
yw : 1.661 %
ha : 1.602 %
y : 1.186 %
dhe : 1.127 %
sowsnek : 1.127 %
ma : 1.008 %
ow : 1.008 %
rag : 0.890 %
my : 0.830 %
nyns : 0.830 %
henry : 0.712 %
mes : 0.652 %
vy : 0.652 %
gans : 0.593 %
re : 0.593 %
hag : 0.534 %
Text: Osta karer Arloedh An Bysowyer ? Wel ,...
a : 4.783 %
an : 2.599 %
ev : 2.512 %
y : 2.445 %
yn : 2.070 %
ha : 1.862 %
n : 1.587 %
dhe : 1.226 %
hag : 1.038 %
mes : 1.011 %
o : 0.884 %
ow : 0.824 %
na : 0.676 %
yw : 0.663 %
ny : 0.636 %
frodo : 0.596 %
bysow : 0.589 %
esa : 0.509 %
vy : 0.502 %
yth : 0.495 %
Text: THE TREGEAR HOMILIES KK Version made from Christopher...
a : 4.411 %
ha : 3.016 %
an : 2.925 %
n : 2.148 %
dhe : 1.899 %
y : 1.821 %
yn : 1.288 %
yw : 1.157 %
ow : 1.073 %
ni : 0.858 %
ev : 0.839 %
ma : 0.749 %
na : 0.698 %
rag : 0.679 %
krist : 0.664 %
agan : 0.616 %
wrug : 0.603 %
s : 0.527 %
oll : 0.464 %
dre : 0.439 %
Friday, 15 October 2010
Skrifenn Seytek - Kernewek Jynn-amontya 5 - Writing 17 - Computer Cornish 5
Ny vynnewgh hwi kara tri jynn-diwros kottha Didn't you want to like three older motorcycles?
Yw an jynn-tenna drog? - Is the tractor bad?
Yw an ervin an yrra? - Is the turnip the freshest?
Yw an karr le? - Is the car smaller?
Yw an chi gwann? - Is the house weak?
A ny dhybren ni pasti an toemma? - Did we not used to eat the warmest pasty?
Yw an gwin an gwella? - Is the wine the best?
Yw an margh an gwettha?- Is the horse the worst?
A werth ev aval-dor heb an arghans da? - Does he sell a potato without the good money?
A wrens i gweles diwros an berra? - Did they used to see the shortest bicycle?
A wrussowgh hwi drehevel chi an gwanna? - Did you build the weakest house?
A wren ni gweles oen an kottha? - Did we used to see the oldest lamb?
My a vynn gul aga jynn-diwros byghan. - I want to make their small motorcycle.
An ervin na brenen ni. - The turnip we didn't use to buy.
Ny werthis vy arghans yn-dann hogh. - I didn't sell money under a pig.
Hi a ylla dybri pasti yn ow chi. - She used to be able to eat a pasty in my house.
My a wre ladha agas mamm berr. - I used to kill your short mother.
My a wela ow onyon. - I used to see my onion.
Ny vynn'ta prena onyon. - You don't want to buy onion.
Ny brensyn ni hy arghans. We didn't buy her money.
My a vynna kara onan bugh. - I used to want to like one cow.
Hwi a wre dha lyver. - You used to make your book.
I a wra gweles pasti heb mamm hir. - They will see a pasty without a tall mother.
Hi a brena pasti war arghans an kottha. - She used to buy a pasty on the oldest money.
Hi a vynna gweles mowes gans chi berr. - She used to want to see a girl with a short house.
I a vynna gul karr byghan. - They used to make a little car.
Hi a wel tri bugh. - She sees three cows.
Ny evis vy korev gans onyon. - I didn't drink beer with onion.
I a vynn gweles korev heb agan gwin. - They want to see beer without our wine.
Ny yv an bugh onyon byghan. - The cow doesn't drink the small onion.
Ev a wrug gweles margh heb pasti toemm. - He saw a horse without a warm pasty.
My a dhebera peswar pasti. - I used to eat four pasties.
I a welas y arghans gans an margh. - They saw his money with the horse.
Ev a allas kara karr yn agan bardhonieth. - He could like a car in our poetry
Hwi a gara arghans war chi an gwanna. - You used to like money on the weakest house.
An chi hag a brensowgh hwi. - The house that you bought.
An lyver na garons i. - The book they didn't like.
Hwi a welas agas lyver heb an chi. - You saw your book without the house.
Hwi a wra gweles peswardhek kyttrin. - You will see fourteen buses.
Ny wren vy korev. - I didn't used to make beer.
I a welas gwin heb an pasti. - They saw wine without the pasty.
Ni a vynn gweles margh war aga bugh. - We want to see a horse on their cow.
An diwros hag a brenas hi. - The bicycle that she bought.
Yw an jynn-tenna drog? - Is the tractor bad?
Yw an ervin an yrra? - Is the turnip the freshest?
Yw an karr le? - Is the car smaller?
Yw an chi gwann? - Is the house weak?
A ny dhybren ni pasti an toemma? - Did we not used to eat the warmest pasty?
Yw an gwin an gwella? - Is the wine the best?
Yw an margh an gwettha?- Is the horse the worst?
A werth ev aval-dor heb an arghans da? - Does he sell a potato without the good money?
A wrens i gweles diwros an berra? - Did they used to see the shortest bicycle?
A wrussowgh hwi drehevel chi an gwanna? - Did you build the weakest house?
A wren ni gweles oen an kottha? - Did we used to see the oldest lamb?
My a vynn gul aga jynn-diwros byghan. - I want to make their small motorcycle.
An ervin na brenen ni. - The turnip we didn't use to buy.
Ny werthis vy arghans yn-dann hogh. - I didn't sell money under a pig.
Hi a ylla dybri pasti yn ow chi. - She used to be able to eat a pasty in my house.
My a wre ladha agas mamm berr. - I used to kill your short mother.
My a wela ow onyon. - I used to see my onion.
Ny vynn'ta prena onyon. - You don't want to buy onion.
Ny brensyn ni hy arghans. We didn't buy her money.
My a vynna kara onan bugh. - I used to want to like one cow.
Hwi a wre dha lyver. - You used to make your book.
I a wra gweles pasti heb mamm hir. - They will see a pasty without a tall mother.
Hi a brena pasti war arghans an kottha. - She used to buy a pasty on the oldest money.
Hi a vynna gweles mowes gans chi berr. - She used to want to see a girl with a short house.
I a vynna gul karr byghan. - They used to make a little car.
Hi a wel tri bugh. - She sees three cows.
Ny evis vy korev gans onyon. - I didn't drink beer with onion.
I a vynn gweles korev heb agan gwin. - They want to see beer without our wine.
Ny yv an bugh onyon byghan. - The cow doesn't drink the small onion.
Ev a wrug gweles margh heb pasti toemm. - He saw a horse without a warm pasty.
My a dhebera peswar pasti. - I used to eat four pasties.
I a welas y arghans gans an margh. - They saw his money with the horse.
Ev a allas kara karr yn agan bardhonieth. - He could like a car in our poetry
Hwi a gara arghans war chi an gwanna. - You used to like money on the weakest house.
An chi hag a brensowgh hwi. - The house that you bought.
An lyver na garons i. - The book they didn't like.
Hwi a welas agas lyver heb an chi. - You saw your book without the house.
Hwi a wra gweles peswardhek kyttrin. - You will see fourteen buses.
Ny wren vy korev. - I didn't used to make beer.
I a welas gwin heb an pasti. - They saw wine without the pasty.
Ni a vynn gweles margh war aga bugh. - We want to see a horse on their cow.
An diwros hag a brenas hi. - The bicycle that she bought.
Saturday, 5 June 2010
Skrifenn Hwetek Kernewek Jynn-amontya 4 - Writing 16 - Computer Cornish 4
Piw a bren an arghans? - Who buys the money
Piw a garas an jynn-diwros na? Who loved that bicycle
Yw an arghans byghan? - Is the money small?
Yw an korev kottha? - Is the beer older
A nyns yw an pasti koth? - Isn't the pasty old?
Yw an pasti an toemma? Is the pasty the warmest?
A welas ev peswar myrgh koth? Did he see four old horses?
A ny bren hi chi an yeynna. Didn't she buy the coldest house?
Ny yllsys jy gweles naw mowes brassa. You couldn't see nine larger girls.
A ny vynn hi gweles bugh gwann? Didn't she want to see a weak cow?
A wrug ev prena bewin an kottha? Did he buy the oldest beef?
A brensys jy trydhek bardhonieth gans an pasti yeyn? Did you buy thirteen poetries with the cold pasty?
My a wertha oen. I used to sell lamb
Hwi a wre diwros bras. You used to make a large bicycle.
Hwi a wrug kara seytek bugh. You did love seventeen cows.
Hwi a allas kara tas koth. You could love old father.
Ny dheberas ev ugens pasti. He didn't eat twenty pasties.
I a wel chi heb an karr. They see a house without the car
Ev a wrug margh yn kyttrin an lenta. He made a horse in the slowest bus
I a wre kara onyon war margh. They used to like onion on a horse.
I a vynn ladha mab gans arghans da. They want to kill a son with good money.
Ny bren hi karr heb chi. She doesn't buy a car without a house
Ny wren vy prena chi. I didn't used to buy a house
My a bren ow arghans. I buy my money.
Hi a brena dha hwedhel hir. She used to buy your long story
Hwi a wra prena agan pasti. You buy our pasty
My a wra gwertha dha vewin da. I sell your good beef.
Ny garen vy ow chi. I didn't used to like my house
Ty a welas hy maw yn-dann an bardhonieth. You saw her son under the poetry.
My a wel y vardhonieth yn-dann onyon an gwettha. I see his poetry under the worst onion.
Hi a vynnas gul korev yn y basti. She wanted to make beer in his pasty.
Ev a yll gweles oen gans aga fasti da. He can see lamb with their good pasty.
Ny werthes jy karr yn-dann dha oen. You didn't sell a car under your lamb.
Ny ylla ev gwertha ow horev. He wasn't used to be able to sell my beer.
An hwoer a werthas pymp karr. The sister sold five cars
An myrgh a wre gweles aval-dor le. The horse used to see a smaller potato
Yn pasti y prenewgh hwi an kyttrin. In a pasty you bought the bus.
Yn jynn-tenna y hwelsons i korev. In a tractor they saw their beer.
Ow hwoer a dheberas bewin toemm. My sister ate warm beer.
Agan den a vynn gweles chi an gwanna. Our man wants to see the weakest house.
Ny gar an margh bugh skav. The horse doesn't like a fast cow.
An karr hag a brensys jy. The car that you bought
An gwin na wela hi. The wine she didn't used to see.
Piw a garas an jynn-diwros na? Who loved that bicycle
Yw an arghans byghan? - Is the money small?
Yw an korev kottha? - Is the beer older
A nyns yw an pasti koth? - Isn't the pasty old?
Yw an pasti an toemma? Is the pasty the warmest?
A welas ev peswar myrgh koth? Did he see four old horses?
A ny bren hi chi an yeynna. Didn't she buy the coldest house?
Ny yllsys jy gweles naw mowes brassa. You couldn't see nine larger girls.
A ny vynn hi gweles bugh gwann? Didn't she want to see a weak cow?
A wrug ev prena bewin an kottha? Did he buy the oldest beef?
A brensys jy trydhek bardhonieth gans an pasti yeyn? Did you buy thirteen poetries with the cold pasty?
My a wertha oen. I used to sell lamb
Hwi a wre diwros bras. You used to make a large bicycle.
Hwi a wrug kara seytek bugh. You did love seventeen cows.
Hwi a allas kara tas koth. You could love old father.
Ny dheberas ev ugens pasti. He didn't eat twenty pasties.
I a wel chi heb an karr. They see a house without the car
Ev a wrug margh yn kyttrin an lenta. He made a horse in the slowest bus
I a wre kara onyon war margh. They used to like onion on a horse.
I a vynn ladha mab gans arghans da. They want to kill a son with good money.
Ny bren hi karr heb chi. She doesn't buy a car without a house
Ny wren vy prena chi. I didn't used to buy a house
My a bren ow arghans. I buy my money.
Hi a brena dha hwedhel hir. She used to buy your long story
Hwi a wra prena agan pasti. You buy our pasty
My a wra gwertha dha vewin da. I sell your good beef.
Ny garen vy ow chi. I didn't used to like my house
Ty a welas hy maw yn-dann an bardhonieth. You saw her son under the poetry.
My a wel y vardhonieth yn-dann onyon an gwettha. I see his poetry under the worst onion.
Hi a vynnas gul korev yn y basti. She wanted to make beer in his pasty.
Ev a yll gweles oen gans aga fasti da. He can see lamb with their good pasty.
Ny werthes jy karr yn-dann dha oen. You didn't sell a car under your lamb.
Ny ylla ev gwertha ow horev. He wasn't used to be able to sell my beer.
An hwoer a werthas pymp karr. The sister sold five cars
An myrgh a wre gweles aval-dor le. The horse used to see a smaller potato
Yn pasti y prenewgh hwi an kyttrin. In a pasty you bought the bus.
Yn jynn-tenna y hwelsons i korev. In a tractor they saw their beer.
Ow hwoer a dheberas bewin toemm. My sister ate warm beer.
Agan den a vynn gweles chi an gwanna. Our man wants to see the weakest house.
Ny gar an margh bugh skav. The horse doesn't like a fast cow.
An karr hag a brensys jy. The car that you bought
An gwin na wela hi. The wine she didn't used to see.
Thursday, 6 May 2010
Skrifenn Trydhek - Kernewek Jynn-Amontya 3 - Writing Thirteen - Computer Cornish 3
Here's some more computer generated Cornish phrases:
Piw a wela an karr? - Who used to see the car?
Piw a garas an lyver ma? - Who liked this book?
Yw an mamm skav? - Is the mother fast?
Yw an korev le? - Is the beer smaller?
A nyns yw an oen toemm? - Isn't the lamb warm?
Yw an chi an nowyttha? - Is the house the newest?
A brenowgh hwi kig mogh drog? Do you buy bad pork?
A ny brenewgh hwi arghans an lyha. Didn't you used to buy the smallest money?
Ny allsyn ni gul seyth chi le. We couldn't make seven smaller houses.
A ny yllons i prena arghans drog? Don't they buy bad money?
A vynnsyn ni gweles margh an berra? Didn't we see the shortest horse?
A wrussys jy trydhek kyttrin heb an margh hir? Did you make thirteen buses without the long horse?
Ni a wela tri karr. We used to see three cars.
Ty a wel arghans da. You see good money.
Hwi a vynnas dybri oen. You wanted to eat lamb.
Ev a ylla prena bewin yr. He used to be able to buy fresh beef.
Ny gara ev kig yar. He didn't used to like chicken
Ni a gara kig yar gans an aval-dor. We used to like chicken with the potato.
I a lywa jynn-tenna war karr an lenta. They used to drive a tractor on the slowest car.
Ni a yll ladha benyn war den. We can kill a woman on a man
Ni a allas marghogeth margh yn gerlyver koth. We could ride a horse in the old dictionary.
Ny brena ev bugh heb diwros. He didn't used to buy a cow without a bicycle.
Ny vynnens i kara margh. They didn't used to want to like a horse.
Hi a welas ow fasti. She saw my pasty.
Hi a wre ow bardhonieth nowydh. She used to make my new poetry
I a wrug gweles y dhiwros. They saw his bicycle.
Hwi a yll kara agan chi krev. You can like our strong house.
Ny brensyn ni agan jynn-tenna. We didn't buy our tractor.
Ev a brenas y basti war an pasti. He bought his pasty on the pasty.
Hi a werthas aga arghans heb pasti an gwella. She sold their money without the best pasty.
Ty a wra gweles chi heb agas chi. You can see a house without your house.
Hwi a ylla kara arghans yn-dann agan jynn-tenna koth. You used to be able to like money under our old tractor.
Ny welav vy korev yn-dann ow aval-dor. I don't see beer under my potato.
Ny ylla hi gwertha agan chi. She didn't used to sell our house.
An benyn a brena onyon. The woman who used to buy onion.
An bugh a allas kara arghans gwell. The cow who could like better money.
Yn lyver y karen vy an ervin. In a book I used to love the turnip
Yn jynn-tenna y eva hi gwin. In a tractor she used to drink wine.
Agas margh a ladha kath drog. Your horse used to kill a bad cat
Agas hogh a wra ladha tas an gwettha. Your pig kills the worst father.
Ny welas an mowes pasti byghan. The girl didn't see the small pasty
An kath hag a ladha ev. The cat that he used to kill.
An korev na brensyn ni. The beer that we didn't buy
Piw a wela an karr? - Who used to see the car?
Piw a garas an lyver ma? - Who liked this book?
Yw an mamm skav? - Is the mother fast?
Yw an korev le? - Is the beer smaller?
A nyns yw an oen toemm? - Isn't the lamb warm?
Yw an chi an nowyttha? - Is the house the newest?
A brenowgh hwi kig mogh drog? Do you buy bad pork?
A ny brenewgh hwi arghans an lyha. Didn't you used to buy the smallest money?
Ny allsyn ni gul seyth chi le. We couldn't make seven smaller houses.
A ny yllons i prena arghans drog? Don't they buy bad money?
A vynnsyn ni gweles margh an berra? Didn't we see the shortest horse?
A wrussys jy trydhek kyttrin heb an margh hir? Did you make thirteen buses without the long horse?
Ni a wela tri karr. We used to see three cars.
Ty a wel arghans da. You see good money.
Hwi a vynnas dybri oen. You wanted to eat lamb.
Ev a ylla prena bewin yr. He used to be able to buy fresh beef.
Ny gara ev kig yar. He didn't used to like chicken
Ni a gara kig yar gans an aval-dor. We used to like chicken with the potato.
I a lywa jynn-tenna war karr an lenta. They used to drive a tractor on the slowest car.
Ni a yll ladha benyn war den. We can kill a woman on a man
Ni a allas marghogeth margh yn gerlyver koth. We could ride a horse in the old dictionary.
Ny brena ev bugh heb diwros. He didn't used to buy a cow without a bicycle.
Ny vynnens i kara margh. They didn't used to want to like a horse.
Hi a welas ow fasti. She saw my pasty.
Hi a wre ow bardhonieth nowydh. She used to make my new poetry
I a wrug gweles y dhiwros. They saw his bicycle.
Hwi a yll kara agan chi krev. You can like our strong house.
Ny brensyn ni agan jynn-tenna. We didn't buy our tractor.
Ev a brenas y basti war an pasti. He bought his pasty on the pasty.
Hi a werthas aga arghans heb pasti an gwella. She sold their money without the best pasty.
Ty a wra gweles chi heb agas chi. You can see a house without your house.
Hwi a ylla kara arghans yn-dann agan jynn-tenna koth. You used to be able to like money under our old tractor.
Ny welav vy korev yn-dann ow aval-dor. I don't see beer under my potato.
Ny ylla hi gwertha agan chi. She didn't used to sell our house.
An benyn a brena onyon. The woman who used to buy onion.
An bugh a allas kara arghans gwell. The cow who could like better money.
Yn lyver y karen vy an ervin. In a book I used to love the turnip
Yn jynn-tenna y eva hi gwin. In a tractor she used to drink wine.
Agas margh a ladha kath drog. Your horse used to kill a bad cat
Agas hogh a wra ladha tas an gwettha. Your pig kills the worst father.
Ny welas an mowes pasti byghan. The girl didn't see the small pasty
An kath hag a ladha ev. The cat that he used to kill.
An korev na brensyn ni. The beer that we didn't buy
Sunday, 2 May 2010
Skrifenn Unnek - Kernewek Jynn-Amontya 2 - Writing Eleven - Computer Cornish 2
Piw a bren an jynn-tenna? - Who buys the tractor?
Piw a wela an pasti ma? - Who used to see this pasty?
Yw an kyttrin byghan? - Is the bus small?
Yw an jynn-tenna brassa? - Is the tractor larger?
A nyns yw an diwros berr? Isn't the bicycle short?
Yw an lyver an lyha? Is the book the smallest?
A wertha ev onyon yr? Did he used to sell fresh onion?
A ny brenes jy pasti an lyha. Didn't you used to buy the smallest pasty?
Ny wra hi gwertha kig mogh kottha. She does not sell older pork.
A ny yllowgh hwi gweles myrgh krev? Can't you see a strong daughter?
A allas hi gul chi an toemma? Could she make the warmer house?
A brenas ev gwin y'n chi byghan? Did he buy wine in the small house?
Ty a gar dewdhek karr. You love twelve cars.
Ev a wela benyn gwann. He used to see a weak woman.
Ev a allas kara pympthek maw. He could love fifteen boys.
Hi a allas dybri ervin yr. She could eat fresh turnip.
Ny ladh ev hwetek bugh. He doesn't kill sixteen cows.
Ev a wela pasti y'n hwedhel. He used to see a pasty in the story.
I a dheberas aval-dor heb hwedhel an hirra. They ate potato without the longest story.
Ni a wrug kara chi war chi. We loved house on house.
My a yll gwertha chi gans diwros koth. I can sell a house with an old bicycle.
Ny brena ev hwedhel yn-dann karr. He didn't used to buy a story under a car.
Ny allas ev kara margh. He couldn't love a horse.
Hwi a gara agas mowes. You used to love your girl.
My a welas hy horev byghan. I saw her small beer.
Ni a ylla kara dha ji. We used to be able to love your house.
I a ylla gweles agas arghans da. They used to be able to see your good money
Ny welas ev dha gath. He didn't see your cat.
Ty a wela dha ervin y'n pasti. You used to see your turnip in the pasty.
I a brena aga bugh yn-dann gerlyver an kottha. They used to buy their cow under the oldest dictionary.
My a ylla prena gwin war y hogh. I used to be able to buy wine on his pig.
My a wrug gwertha pasti heb aga horev yr. I sold a pasty without their fresh beer.
Ny werthsowgh hwi arghans heb agas gwin. You didn't sell money without your wine.
Ny yll hi dybri y aval-dor. She couldn't eat his potato.
An myrgh a brenas nownsek bugh. The daughter bought nineteen cows.
An mab a allas gwertha bardhonieth hirra. The son could sell longer poetry.
War chi y prenas hi an chi. On a house she bought the house.
Gans karr y karons i pympthek bardhonieth. With a car they love fifteen poems.
Dha vaw a gara den drog. Your boy used to like a bad man.
Agan margh a vynn kara chi an toemma. Our horse wants to love the warmest house.
Ny eva an bugh chi da. The cow doesn't drink a good house.
An korev hag a gerydh jy. The beer that you love.
An korev na welen vy. The beer that I didn't used to see.
Piw a wela an pasti ma? - Who used to see this pasty?
Yw an kyttrin byghan? - Is the bus small?
Yw an jynn-tenna brassa? - Is the tractor larger?
A nyns yw an diwros berr? Isn't the bicycle short?
Yw an lyver an lyha? Is the book the smallest?
A wertha ev onyon yr? Did he used to sell fresh onion?
A ny brenes jy pasti an lyha. Didn't you used to buy the smallest pasty?
Ny wra hi gwertha kig mogh kottha. She does not sell older pork.
A ny yllowgh hwi gweles myrgh krev? Can't you see a strong daughter?
A allas hi gul chi an toemma? Could she make the warmer house?
A brenas ev gwin y'n chi byghan? Did he buy wine in the small house?
Ty a gar dewdhek karr. You love twelve cars.
Ev a wela benyn gwann. He used to see a weak woman.
Ev a allas kara pympthek maw. He could love fifteen boys.
Hi a allas dybri ervin yr. She could eat fresh turnip.
Ny ladh ev hwetek bugh. He doesn't kill sixteen cows.
Ev a wela pasti y'n hwedhel. He used to see a pasty in the story.
I a dheberas aval-dor heb hwedhel an hirra. They ate potato without the longest story.
Ni a wrug kara chi war chi. We loved house on house.
My a yll gwertha chi gans diwros koth. I can sell a house with an old bicycle.
Ny brena ev hwedhel yn-dann karr. He didn't used to buy a story under a car.
Ny allas ev kara margh. He couldn't love a horse.
Hwi a gara agas mowes. You used to love your girl.
My a welas hy horev byghan. I saw her small beer.
Ni a ylla kara dha ji. We used to be able to love your house.
I a ylla gweles agas arghans da. They used to be able to see your good money
Ny welas ev dha gath. He didn't see your cat.
Ty a wela dha ervin y'n pasti. You used to see your turnip in the pasty.
I a brena aga bugh yn-dann gerlyver an kottha. They used to buy their cow under the oldest dictionary.
My a ylla prena gwin war y hogh. I used to be able to buy wine on his pig.
My a wrug gwertha pasti heb aga horev yr. I sold a pasty without their fresh beer.
Ny werthsowgh hwi arghans heb agas gwin. You didn't sell money without your wine.
Ny yll hi dybri y aval-dor. She couldn't eat his potato.
An myrgh a brenas nownsek bugh. The daughter bought nineteen cows.
An mab a allas gwertha bardhonieth hirra. The son could sell longer poetry.
War chi y prenas hi an chi. On a house she bought the house.
Gans karr y karons i pympthek bardhonieth. With a car they love fifteen poems.
Dha vaw a gara den drog. Your boy used to like a bad man.
Agan margh a vynn kara chi an toemma. Our horse wants to love the warmest house.
Ny eva an bugh chi da. The cow doesn't drink a good house.
An korev hag a gerydh jy. The beer that you love.
An korev na welen vy. The beer that I didn't used to see.
Tuesday, 27 April 2010
Skrifenn Naw - Kernewek Jynn-Amontya 1 - Writing Nine - Computer Cornish 1
I've written a computer program to construct Cornish sentences. Before you ask, it is ethically aware: people cannot be bought, sold or eaten...
Here's a sample output showing a number of different sentence structures:
Piw a ladhas an tas? - Who killed the father?
Piw a welas an diwros na? - Who saw that bicycle?
Yw an chi drog? - Is the house bad?
Yw an pasti kottha? - Is the pasty oldest?
A nyns yw an chi yeyn? - Isn't the house cold?
Yw an lyver an kottha? - Is the book the oldest?
A garas ev onan myrgh drog? - Doesn't he like one bad horse?
A ny brensys jy chi an nowyttha. Didn't they buy the newest house?
Ny wrewgh hwi ladha deg broder kottha. - You didn't kill ten older brothers.
A ny vynnons i gweles diwros drog? - Didn't they see the a bad bicycle?
A vynnsys jy gul gwin an yeynna? - Did you make the coldest wine?
A welons i gwin gans an diwros nowydh? - Did they see wine with the new bicycle?
I a wra gwin. - They make wine.
I a bren pasti bras. - They buy a big pasty.
Ni a wre gweles etek hwoer. - We used to see eighteen sisters.
I a yll gwertha kath berr. - They can sell a short cat.
Ny gar hi seytek hwedhel. - She doesn't like seventeen stories.
Ty a brena pasti yn-dann an karr. - You used to buy a pasty under the car.
Ev a bren gwin war gwin an kottha. - He buys wine on the oldest wine.
Ni a wra ladha ki war ervin. - We kill a dog on turnip.
Hwi a vynna kara bugh war chi nowydh. You used to want to like a cow on the new house.
Ny werthydh jy kath yn-dann kyttrin. You don't sell a cat under a bus.
Ny yllons i prena gerlyver. - They can't buy a dictionary.
Ni a bren hy arghans. - We buy her money.
Hi a wela hy hath lent. - She used to see her slow cat.
Ty a wre gwertha agan jynn-tenna. - You used to sell our tractor.
Ni a vynn prena hy chi berr. - We want to buy her short house.
Ny wredh jy aga arghans. You don't make their money.
Ni a wre aga chi heb an ki. We used to make their house without the dog.
Hwi a brenas dha ji heb myrgh an berra. You bought your house without the shortest horse.
Hwi a allas dybri pasti yn-dann agas hogh. You can eat a pasty under your pig.
Ni a vynn kara kath gans y gi drog. We want to like a cat with his bad dog.
Ny garons i chi gans ow horev. - They don't like a house with my beer.
Ny vynnsons i prena ow fasti. They don't buy my pasty.
An kath a wela arghans. - The cat used to see money
An broder a vynnas kara karr nowyttha. - The brother wanted to love a newer car.
War diwros y pren ev an bugh. On a bicycle he buys a cow.
Yn-dann aval-dor y hwerthas ev arghans. Under potato he sold money.
Hy hogh a garas broder berr. - Her pig liked a short brother.
Hy bugh a ylla kara lyver an nowyttha. - Her cow use to be able to like the newest book.
Ny garas an margh karr byghan. The horse didn't like a small car.
An chi hag a welis vy. - The house that I saw.
An den na ladhens i. - The man they didn't kill.
Here's a sample output showing a number of different sentence structures:
Piw a ladhas an tas? - Who killed the father?
Piw a welas an diwros na? - Who saw that bicycle?
Yw an chi drog? - Is the house bad?
Yw an pasti kottha? - Is the pasty oldest?
A nyns yw an chi yeyn? - Isn't the house cold?
Yw an lyver an kottha? - Is the book the oldest?
A garas ev onan myrgh drog? - Doesn't he like one bad horse?
A ny brensys jy chi an nowyttha. Didn't they buy the newest house?
Ny wrewgh hwi ladha deg broder kottha. - You didn't kill ten older brothers.
A ny vynnons i gweles diwros drog? - Didn't they see the a bad bicycle?
A vynnsys jy gul gwin an yeynna? - Did you make the coldest wine?
A welons i gwin gans an diwros nowydh? - Did they see wine with the new bicycle?
I a wra gwin. - They make wine.
I a bren pasti bras. - They buy a big pasty.
Ni a wre gweles etek hwoer. - We used to see eighteen sisters.
I a yll gwertha kath berr. - They can sell a short cat.
Ny gar hi seytek hwedhel. - She doesn't like seventeen stories.
Ty a brena pasti yn-dann an karr. - You used to buy a pasty under the car.
Ev a bren gwin war gwin an kottha. - He buys wine on the oldest wine.
Ni a wra ladha ki war ervin. - We kill a dog on turnip.
Hwi a vynna kara bugh war chi nowydh. You used to want to like a cow on the new house.
Ny werthydh jy kath yn-dann kyttrin. You don't sell a cat under a bus.
Ny yllons i prena gerlyver. - They can't buy a dictionary.
Ni a bren hy arghans. - We buy her money.
Hi a wela hy hath lent. - She used to see her slow cat.
Ty a wre gwertha agan jynn-tenna. - You used to sell our tractor.
Ni a vynn prena hy chi berr. - We want to buy her short house.
Ny wredh jy aga arghans. You don't make their money.
Ni a wre aga chi heb an ki. We used to make their house without the dog.
Hwi a brenas dha ji heb myrgh an berra. You bought your house without the shortest horse.
Hwi a allas dybri pasti yn-dann agas hogh. You can eat a pasty under your pig.
Ni a vynn kara kath gans y gi drog. We want to like a cat with his bad dog.
Ny garons i chi gans ow horev. - They don't like a house with my beer.
Ny vynnsons i prena ow fasti. They don't buy my pasty.
An kath a wela arghans. - The cat used to see money
An broder a vynnas kara karr nowyttha. - The brother wanted to love a newer car.
War diwros y pren ev an bugh. On a bicycle he buys a cow.
Yn-dann aval-dor y hwerthas ev arghans. Under potato he sold money.
Hy hogh a garas broder berr. - Her pig liked a short brother.
Hy bugh a ylla kara lyver an nowyttha. - Her cow use to be able to like the newest book.
Ny garas an margh karr byghan. The horse didn't like a small car.
An chi hag a welis vy. - The house that I saw.
An den na ladhens i. - The man they didn't kill.
Sunday, 25 April 2010
Skrifenn Seyth - Writing Seven


In response to something I mentioned in a comment to the last post, about names starting with Bos- (or it's alternative forms Bod-, Bot- and Boj-) here's a couple of plots showing the relative and absolute numbers of Bos placenames. For some reason Bos placenames seem overwhelmingly favoured in West Penwith, although there's a second concentration further East.
Saturday, 24 April 2010
Skrifenn Hwegh - Writing Six
Wednesday, 21 April 2010
Skrifenn Peswar - Writing Four
I am now going to tell you about something I started doing a while ago, over a year ago now, I have done work on it occasionally in time I ought to have been working on my PhD...
This is a study of Cornish placenames, using a database that was published online at www.cornovia.org.uk There is a list of placenames in that database, which shows the parish it is located in, as well as historical forms for certain names.
I thought it would be a great idea if I could visualise that in some way. For instance what about showing the proportion of placenames that start with Tre- and how that varies across different locations in Cornwall. Tre is a placename element derived from the Cornish language: tre = "homestead" in Cornish.
I found a computer readable map of parish boundaries online, and with a bit of difficulty getting the cornovia parishes to map up with the other databases parishes I came up with this map:
Beyond the fact that Tre- names are rare in the extreme NE and SE of Cornwall (early English settlement displaced the Cornish language at an early date so much so that Cornish language placenames are rare in those regions) I can't really explain the variations that do exist, but still I think this is an interesting map.
This is a study of Cornish placenames, using a database that was published online at www.cornovia.org.uk There is a list of placenames in that database, which shows the parish it is located in, as well as historical forms for certain names.
I thought it would be a great idea if I could visualise that in some way. For instance what about showing the proportion of placenames that start with Tre- and how that varies across different locations in Cornwall. Tre is a placename element derived from the Cornish language: tre = "homestead" in Cornish.
I found a computer readable map of parish boundaries online, and with a bit of difficulty getting the cornovia parishes to map up with the other databases parishes I came up with this map:

Sunday, 18 April 2010
Skrifenn Dew
A short section in Cornish about the recent Cornish language weekend in Newquay. In Cornish:
An 10ves-11ves Mis Ebrel o an Bennseythun Gernewek. Yth esa moy ages kans den ena, diworth Kernow oll, ha diworth broyow erell. Nebes tus ny wrug dyski Kernewek kyns, nebes tus o Kernowegoryon freth. Yth esa pymp bagasow rag an dyskansow. Yth esov vy yn Bagas Kres. My a wrug tremena apposyans nessa gradh hav yw tremenys. My a esedh tressa gradh an hav ma po hav nessa. Y'n bennseythun, y hwren ni gwari bord-gwari yn Kernewek rag dyski ha gul lavarow ha hwedhlow yn Kernewek. Yth esa bagas donsoryon "Hevva" ena war nos Dy' Sadorn. Oll an dus a wrug kavoes termyn lowen.
An 10ves-11ves Mis Ebrel o an Bennseythun Gernewek. Yth esa moy ages kans den ena, diworth Kernow oll, ha diworth broyow erell. Nebes tus ny wrug dyski Kernewek kyns, nebes tus o Kernowegoryon freth. Yth esa pymp bagasow rag an dyskansow. Yth esov vy yn Bagas Kres. My a wrug tremena apposyans nessa gradh hav yw tremenys. My a esedh tressa gradh an hav ma po hav nessa. Y'n bennseythun, y hwren ni gwari bord-gwari yn Kernewek rag dyski ha gul lavarow ha hwedhlow yn Kernewek. Yth esa bagas donsoryon "Hevva" ena war nos Dy' Sadorn. Oll an dus a wrug kavoes termyn lowen.
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